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Friends of the Whipple Free Library


The Friends of the Whipple Free Library is a non-profit organization begun by Beulah Hayes in 1966 to improve the library’s services, resources, and its role in the community. They provide essential support to the library.

The Friends, though its fundraising projects, were able to contribute significantly to the Hayes-Warren addition, and more recently the New Library Campaign. Other ways in which the group has been involved in enhancing the library and community include:

-the purchase of Museum Passes
-the purchase of special volumes and equipment
-the annual Wassail celebration

The organization hopes to continue to expand its role through such fundraising projects as:

– the annual Auction
– the annual Book Sale
– landscaping and gardening the library grounds

New members are encouraged to join the Friends in providing even greater contributions to the residents of New Boston through the Whipple Free Library.

Susan Carr, President

Friends of the Library c/o Whipple Free Library
PO Box 237
New Boston, NH 03070